
Superior Tire & Auto Services

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Superior Tire & Auto Services

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Specialized in Tires and A/C Fix!

The Tire Place USA provides automotive services, new and used tires, tire repairs, alignments, brakes, oil changes, auto repairs, tune-ups and more to Deerfield Beach, FL and surrounding areas. Our ASE-Certified mechanics can handle all kinds of automotive work.

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Why Choose Us

The Tire Place USA provides automotive services, new and used tires, tire repairs, alignments, brakes, oil changes, auto repairs, tune-ups and more to Deerfield Beach, FL and surrounding areas. Our ASE-Certified mechanics can handle all kinds of automotive work.

Expert Mechanics

Outstanding Price

Fast Work & Service

Trusted Provider

What We Offer

The Tire Place USA is your ultimate destination for all kinds of tire services and a diverse range of auto repairs including oil changes, ac repairs, tune-ups and more. Our expert mechanics have over 100 years of combined experience providing reliable and honest auto repair at competitive prices. Visit us today for free diagnostics, battery tests or a free estimate on your service. 

Local Auto Shops — Nationwide Benefits

TechNet Professional Automotive Service is an elite network of more than 15,000 repair shops across North America. They are locally owned by your neighbors and care about delivering exceptional customer care and service. They care about training their staff and using quality parts. And they care about their communities. When you have maintenance and repair work performed by a TechNet shop you are covered nationwide.